New Kit Design Competition
In preparation for season 2022/23 Richmond Rovers JFC need a new kit design.
You can go classic or as crazy as you want but we want something designed by the players for the players. It obviously needs to be based on our club colours of maroon and sky blue, but other than that let your imagination run free. If you need any inspiration you can see some sample designs here
To enter all you have to do is create your design on the form that you can download or print below. Once all the entries are in, a panel will choose 3 designs that will be mocked up and then put to all players to vote for their favourite and that will then be our kit going forward.
The player that comes up with the winning design will also win a free kit for their team in their design and be first to wear the new kit.
Entries close on Sunday 24th April so get designing over the Easter holidays.
Please email entries to
or post to Richmond Rovers Kit Design competition, 15 Milton Drive,
Poynton, SK12 1EZ
or hand in to reception at Box Football. Good luck !!
Entry to the competition is free and is taken in good faith. All entries remain property of Richmond Rovers Junior FC. If any dispute arises the decision of the Richmond Rovers Executive is final.